❄️ Winter Special ❄️
Available Wednesday - Thursday only
10 minute session in 3D/4D
- FREE upgrade to HD
- FREE all/unlimited images sent directly to your phone/email
- FREE digital video of entire session set to music sent directly to your phone/email
- FREE live streaming to family and friends (request when booking)
Best between 24-36 Weeks - not recommended for multiples
Offer available through February 2025
Cannot be combined with other discounts
Comfort Glimpse
A little piece of mind early in pregnancy
- 5 minute session in 2D
- look for multiples
- black and white printed photos
- LISTEN or SEE your baby's heartbeat
- FREE all images sent directly to your phone or email
- digital video of entire session set to music sent to your email
great anytime from 8-40 weeks, must be at least 8 weeks
this is not for pregnancy confirmation or gestation dating. We do not advise if pregnancy is viable or not.
we do require that you have seen your prenatal care provider prior to your appointment with us
(Discounts/upgrades not applicable- NON REFUNDABLE - no gender determination)
Gender Glimpse
- session in 2D - time as needed
- black and white printed photos
- gender determination upon request as early as 13 weeks
- FREE images sent directly to your phone or email
- FREE live streaming to family and friends (request when booking)
- FREE digital video of entire session set to music
- $20 off coupon for your next visit with us in 3D/4D & HD!
best between 13-40 weeks
*women who are over 250 lbs are encouraged to wait until 16+ weeks
- not available for upgrade - cannot be combined with other discounts or offers
must at least 13 weeks pregnant for gender. We will not look before then.
Preferred Glimpse
- 15 minute session in 2D, 3D/4D
- FREE upgrade to HD
- high quality glossy color prints
- black and white printed photos
- FREE images sent directly to your phone or email
- FREE live streaming to family and friends (request when booking)
- FREE digital video of entire session set to music
- gender confirmation/determination upon request
best between 24-36 weeks - multiples 24-26 weeks
Premium Glimpse
- 25-30 minute session in 2D, 3D/4D and FREE HD upgrade
- high quality glossy color prints
- black and white printed photos
- FREE images sent directly to your phone or email
- FREE live streaming to family and friends (request when booking)
- FREE digital video of entire session set to music
- gender confirmation/determination upon request
best between 24-36 weeks - best option for multiples and plan for 24-26 weeks
3 Trimester Trio
Special Price $249
3 Appointments!
- 1st appointment includes our Comfort Glimpse (8-12 weeks)
- 2nd appointment includes our Gender Glimpse (13-22 weeks)
- 3rd appointment similar to our Preferred Glimpse with upgrade
- Valued at $375 BEST VALUE!
Pics, prints, and video provided at each session - along with a custom thumb drive at first visit
Early Gender DNA blood test
Price $129
- early gender determination DNA test - SneakPeek Clinical
- starting as early as 6 weeks
- performed by a certified phlebotomist with concierge service
- FastTrack - next day results possible - add $20
- Higher accuracy rate than the at home test - 100% at Precious Glimpse
- add a visual confirmation* ultrasound for only $49*
*must be 14 weeks for the visual confirmation ultrasound - can be scheduled for a later date*
~discounts not available
*Evening sample collections add a day to result delivery